L3 Network Connectivity
In this article, we’ll learn how to implement L3 network connectivity. Cloudshell recognizes a cloud provider shell as an L3 networking cloud provider if the method PrepareSandboxInfra exists in the shell driver. If the method doesn’t exist, CloudShell considers the shell as an L2 networking shell.
To add support for L3 subnet connectivity in a custom cloud provider, we’ll need to implement 3 methods:
- PrepareSandboxInfra is used to prepare the infrastructure required for a sandbox operating with L3 connectivity.
- Deploy should be extended to support connetToSubnet action requests.
- CleanupSandboxInfra cleans any sandbox-level entities created in the cloud provider, usualy entities created by the PrepareSandboxInfra command. This is the last command to be called in the orchestration flow.
PrepareSandboxInfra method
The PrepareSandboxInfra method is the 1st method to be called in the sandbox setup. It creates the required infrastructure for the sandbox. The network address space of the sandbox is allocated automatically by CloudShell and represented using CIDR notation and provided in the actions request.
It must support these three action types:
When handling this action, you need to create/allocate the requested CIDR to the sandbox in your cloud provider. This is also the place to create/allocate cloud resource that will be used by the entire sandbox. For example, an AWS shell might create an S3 bucket that will be used by the entire sandbox, and a shared Security Group, which will be attached to all AWS VM instances, to allow inbound traffic from specific QualiX and Execution Server VM instances for secure connectivity to the VMs and configuration management.
Generally this is the 1st action you should handle before proceeding to other actions. There is always one instance of this type of action.
prepareSubnet gets one or more actions from this type. When handling this action, you need to create/allocate a subnet for each action according to the CIDR and Subnet service attributes in the blueprint. A subnet can be declared as public or private by the blueprint designer. A subnet is considered private if it is not accessible from outside the sandbox, and is considered public if it is possible to access the subnet from outside the sandbox. As a general best practice, it is recommended to allow outbound traffic from private subnets to elements outside of the sandbox.
CloudShell sends a prepareSubnet action for each Subnet service in the blueprint. If there are no Subnet services in the blueprint, CloudShell will create a single subnet for the sandbox, by sending a prepareSubnet action with the default values. In a “single subnet” scenario, it is assumed that the sandbox components are all located in the same default subnet. Note that the driver still needs to create/allocate a subnet in “single subnet” mode.
The result for this action must include a subnetId property. This must be an id that can be used to uniquely identify the subnet in the cloud provider. The “subnet id” will be passed as part of connectToSubnet actions in the Deploy method and should be used to identify the subnets that the App wants to connect to.
There is always one instance of this type of action. This action type has no metadata. To handle this action, you return an ssh key that will be used by CloudShell to connect to Linux VMs in the sandbox. If you don’t want to use ssh keys, you can simply ignore this action without returning any createKeys action results.
Cloudshell stores the ssh key securely and if the deployed App has an empty password attribute or no password attribute, it will try to authenticate with the VM using the value in the Username attribute and the ssh key when using QualiX to ssh to a deployed App.
The Deploy method is responsible to create the VM with the sandbox ssh key that was generated in the prepareSandboxInfra method. Cloudshell does not pass the ssh key to the Deploy method and it’s the responsibility of the shell developer to store this ssh key in a secure place that is accessible during the Deploy method. An example for this implementation for an aws shell is to use an S3 bucket that is used only by the sandbox.
Note: PrepareSandboxInfra can be called multiple times in a sandbox. Setup can be called multiple times in the sandbox, and every time setup is called, the PrepareSandboxInfra method will be called again. So your implementation needs to support this use case and take under consideration that the cloud resource might already exist. It’s recommended to follow the “get or create” pattern when implementing this method.
Called when
This command is called for L3 Networking type implementations in the beginning of the orchestration flow (preparation stage), even before Deploy is called.
Error handling
If failure occurs, return a “success false” action result.
def PrepareSandboxInfra(self, context, request, cancellation_context)
context: context is a ResourceCommandContext object that contains:
- connectivity - CloudShell server connectivity data for authentication with CloudShell Automation API
- resource - resource configuration settings entered when creating the Cloud Provider resource in the Inventory dashboard
- reservation - current reservation details
- connectors – details of any visual connectors between the Cloud Provider App and other endppoints in the sandbox.
class ResourceCommandContext:
def __init__(self, connectivity, resource, reservation, connectors):
self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs
""":type : ConnectivityContext"""
self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver
""":type : ResourceContextDetails"""
self.reservation = reservation # The details of the reservation
""":type : ReservationContextDetails"""
self.connectors = connectors # The list of visual connectors and routes that are connected to the resource (the resource will be considered as the source end point)
""":type : list[Connector]"""
Here’s a code sample that extracts the cloud provider data from the context:
cloud_provider_resource = HeavenlyCloudsShell.create_from_context(context)
JSON string that contains the requested actions.
Cancelation context
def __init__(self):
self.is_cancelled = False
""":type : bool"""
PrepareSandboxInfra method implementation
1. Retrieve the cloud provider resource connection credentials.
2. Retrieve requested actions (1 PrepareCloudInfra, 1 CreateKeys, >=1 PrepareSubnet).
b. Optionally, handle CreateKeys.
c. Handle the PrepareSubnet action(s).
3. Return the driver’s response.
Deploy method with L3 connectivity
When working with L3 connectivity, the subnets and shared sandbox resources are created in the PrepareSandboxInfra method. The Deploy method is executed only after PrepareSandboxInfra completes successfully. Deploy can receive 0 or more connectToSubnet actions in addition to the single deployApp action. The connectToSubnet actions tell the VM that we are creating the subnets that the VM should be connected to. The subnetId property in the connectToSubnet action should be used to uniquely identify the subnet in the cloud provider.
The connectToSubnet action contains a special property called vnicName. When this property contains a value, it means that the blueprint designer specified a request from the cloud provider shell to create a connection on a specific network interface. For example, if the vnicName value is 1, we need to create the network interface for the relevant subnet from the action on eth1.
Note: In case the shell supports ssh key authentications for linux vms it’s the responsibility of the deploy method implementation to get the ssh key created during prepareSandboxInfra. Cloudshell will not send the ssh key to the deploy method in the request.
L3 Deploy method implementation
In L3, the Deploy method should perform the following steps:
1. Retrieve the cloud provider resource connection credentials.
2. Retrieve the Deploy action.
3. Retrieve CononectToSubnetActions.
4. Call the Deploy logic of the selected deployment type.
a. (Steps 4-a to -4-e are performed by the Deploy logic) Generate a unique App name.
b. Create the network configuration plan to use when calling the cloud provider SDK VM instance deploy.
c. Create the VM instance using the deployment path attributes and network plan.
d. If Deploy succeeds, do the following:
i. Collect the VM’s details (operating system, specifications, networking information).
ii. Create ConnectToSubnet results.
e. Return results.
5. Return the driver’s response.
This method is responsible for cleaning any sandbox-level entities created in the cloud provider, usually entities created in the PrepareSandboxInfra command.
Called When
This method is the last method to be called during the sandbox’s teardown (before the sandbox is completed).
Error handling
If a failure occurs, return a “success false” action result.
def CleanupSandboxInfra(self, context, request):
context: context is a ResourceCommandContext object that contains:
- connectivity - CloudShell server connectivity data for authentication with CloudShell Automation API
- resource - resource configuration settings entered when creating the Cloud Provider resource in the Inventory dashboard
- reservation - current reservation details
- connectors – details of any visual connectors between the Cloud Provider App and other endppoints in the sandbox.
class ResourceCommandContext:
def __init__(self, connectivity, resource, reservation, connectors):
self.connectivity = connectivity # Connectivity details that can help connect to the APIs
""":type : ConnectivityContext"""
self.resource = resource # The details of the resource using the driver
""":type : ResourceContextDetails"""
self.reservation = reservation # The details of the reservation
""":type : ReservationContextDetails"""
self.connectors = connectors # The list of visual connectors and routes that are connected to the resource (the resource will be considered as the source end point)
""":type : list[Connector]"""
JSON string contains single CleanupSandboxInfra action.
CleanupSandboxInfra method implementation
1. Retrieve the cloud provider resource connection credentials.
2. Retrieve the CleanupSandboxInfra action.
* Clean the sandbx-created infrastructure resources and return a success result.
3. Return result.